Fish & Wildlife Commission: August 13, 2020 Meeting Agenda
Aug 13, 2020 8:30 AM
Zoom Meeting - - Helena, MT
Times Are Approximate and Best Estimate Only
08:28 AM – AGENDA
- YouTube Video PT 1:
- YouTube Video PT 2:
08:29 AM – Call to Order — Meeting streamed live through YouTube and Zoom
08:30 AM – Call to Order and Administrative Items
- Commission Reports
1. AUDIO: Commission and Director Reports.mp3 - Director's Report
09:00 AM – Petitions
- Shields River Cover Sheet
2. AUDIO: Shields River Petition.mp3 - **Shields Letter/Photo
- Shields River Petition by Jeff Welch- 15 minutes
- Madison Coversheet FOAM August 2020
3. AUDIO: FOAM MAdison Petition.mp3 - **June 2020 Petition Letter FOAM
- Madison River Petition by F.O.A.M. - 15 minutes
- Madison Coversheet GGTU August 2020
4. AUDIO of this segment of the meeting is not available here due to extremely large file size that cannot be delivered through the FWP website. For audio of this segment of the meeting, please refer to the video recording above or on the FWP YouTube Channel at, or contact the Commission to request a copy of the MP3 files. - Madison River Petition by GGC of Trout Unlimited, Skyline Sportsmen Association, and The Anaconda Sportsmen Association- 15 minutes
- **2020 FWP Madison Petition
- **2019 Scoping Results
10:00 AM – Fisheries Division
- Nixon Bridge Gallatin River Temporary Closure
- **Gallatin Temporary Closure Doc
- MDT Clark Fork River Temporary Closure Rule
- **Clark Fork Conley Avenue Bridge
- **Area photo_aerial
- Future Fisheries Improvement Program Summer Funding Panel Recommendatio**2020 Summer FWP Recommendations to Commission
- **Project Ranking FFIP Summer 2020 Document
- Jim Stone Recognition of Service
5. AUDIO: Jim Stone Recognition.mp3 - 2021 Fishing Regulations
6. AUDIO: Fishing Regulations.mp3 - **2021 Fishing Regs Proposals Document
- Yellowstone Islands FAS
7. AUDIO: Yellowstone Islands FAS.mp3 - **Yellowstone Islands FAS Map
- Cornell Park FAS
- **Cornell Park Map
11:00 AM – License Bureau
- Selection of Organizations to Auction 2021 Moose, Sheep, Goat, Mule Deer and Elk Licenses.
9. AUDIO: Auction Tags.mp3 - Wild Sheep Foundation
- Grand Slam Club
- Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
- The Safari Club International – Great Falls Chapter
- Montana Ducks Unlimited
- Mule Deer Foundation
12:00 PM – Lunch Break
01:00 PM – Wildlife Division Continued
- Approval of Marten Translocation to Little Belt Mountains
- 10. AUDIO: Pine Marten relocationn.mp3
- **Marten Reintroduction EA Decision Notice 8-2020
- **Marten Translocation Plan
- 2020/2021 Furbearer Seasons And 2020 Quotas
- 11. AUDIO: Furbearer Seasons.mp3
- 11. AUDIO: Furbearer Seasons pt. 2.mp3
- **Activity and Proposed Timeline to Address Trapping Setbacks
- **2019 Furbearer Final
- **Trapping Comments 1
- **Trapping Comments 2
- Approval of Bighorn Sheep Translocation to Little Belt Mountains
- 12. AUDIO: Bighorn Sheep Little Belt.mp3
- **Little Belt Mountain Bighorn Sheep Reintroduction Proposal
- **Little Belt Mountain Reintroduction Decision Notice
- Bighorn Sheep Restoration in the Tendoy Mountains
- 13. AUDIO: Bighorn Sheep Tendoys.mp3
- **Tendoy Decision Notice
- Annual Review and New Annual Work Plans for Elk Management Guidelines in Areas with Brucellosis
- 14. AUDIO: Annual Brucellosis Review.mp3
- **Brucellosis Work Plan- Draft
- Shoulder Season Harvest Evaluation
- 15. AUDIO: Shoulder Season Evaulation.mp3
- **2016-2019 SS Harvest Criteria Tables for Commission
- **Final Elk Season Guidelines ADOPTED 10-08-2015
2020 Land Projects:
- Bad Rock Canyon WMA Acquisition (R1)
16. AUDIO: BAd Rock Canyon WMA.mp3 - **Bad Rock Canyon Proposal
- **Bad Rock Canyon Map
- Kootenai Forestlands Phase II CE (R1)
17. AUDIO: Kootenai Forestlands Phase II.mp3 - **Kootenai Forestlands Phase 2 CE Proposal
- **Kootenai Map
- Chip Creek CE (R4)
18. AUDIO: Chip Creek CE.mp3 - **Chip Creek CE Proposal
- **Chip Creek Map
- Big Snowy Mountains WMA Acquisition (R5)
19. AUDIO: Snowy Mountains WMA.mp3 - **Big Snowy Mountains Proposal
- ** Big Snowy Mountains Map
- South Addition to Cree Crossing WMA (R6)
- 20. AUDIO: South Cree Crossing.mp3
- **Cree Crossing WMA Proposal
- **Cree Crossing Map
- Lone Tree CE (R6)
- 21. AUDIO: Lone Tree CE.mp3
- **Lone Tree CE DN
- **Lone Tree CE EA
- **Lone Tree CE Map
- **Lone Tree Public Comments
- Ash Coulee CE (R6)
- 22. AUDIO: Ash Coulee CE.mp3
- **Ash Coulee DN and Comments
- **Ash Coulee Map
- **Ash Coulee EA
- W-Bar CE (R7)
- 23. AUDIO: W BAR CE.mp3
- **W Bar CE DN
- **W Bar CE EA
- **W Bar CE Map
- **W Bar Public Comments
02:00 PM – Public Comment For Issues Not On This Agenda and Adjournment
- Public Comment
24. AUDIO: Items not on the Agenda.mp3
Please note: The Commission may take action on all matters specifically noticed on any agenda.
Extensive opportunity is provided for public comment on hunting, fishing and trapping regulations. As a matter of equity for citizens who cannot attend Commission meetings, when making final decisions on these regulations, the Commission will not open public comment unless a significant amendment to the tentative proposal is brought forth by the Commission or Department. Comments will be limited to the amendment only.
The Department ensures its meetings are fully accessible to persons with disabilities and if special accommodations are needed, contact Commission Secretary at (406) 444-3186.