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Kids on a spring hike


Explore the outdoors

Education Programs

Hunter education class

Hunter, Bowhunter & Trapper Education

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Boaters on lake

Boating Education

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Bow Hunting Workshop

Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Program (BOW)

BOW Workshops >
Kids at archery range

National Archery in Schools Program (NASP)

Sign up online >
School class visiting Montana WILD

Educator Resources

For Teachers >

Wildlife Wednesday

Our weekly video series about all things wildlife

You can find this educational and entertaining video series on our social media pages and youtube, with new episodes every other week.


In this video, Corie explains the differences between horns and antlers.

Watch more Wildlife Wednesday Videos 

FWP Valentines!

Our new valentines are a hoot! Print some to share with someone that makes your heart flutter. 

Download Here! 
Bird valentines