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Conservation > Habitat Noxious Weeds Management

Noxious weeds may be on the land or in the water. These so called, "invasive species" are a continuous threat to the quality of wildlife habitat, the state's fisheries, Montana's native plant species and to the aesthetic and recreational value of private and public lands.

Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks is responsible for noxious weed management on about 610 sites across the state and on more than 364,000 acres. In collaboration with other state, federal, county and city entities, FWP uses the latest integrated noxious weed management methods to help protect Montana’s public lands, including herbicide application, mechanical control, targeted grazing, and biological control insects.

Success in controlling noxious weeds and preventing the introduction and spread of new species requires the participation of all Montanans. Please:

  • Inspect, clean and dry vehicles and recreational gear before going to a new location,

  • Learn to identify established and newly introduced noxious weed species,

  • Report sightings of noxious weeds to a public land manager responsible for the area.

Management Plans

Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks is responsible for noxious weed management on more than 515,000 acres spread across 610 sites in Montana. FWP uses the latest integrated noxious weed management methods to help protect Montana's public lands, including herbicide application, mechanical control, biological control insects, and by managing for healthy plant communities through prescribed grazing. The following reports document and track FWP's efforts to contain and eradicate noxious weeds.




For more information on noxious weeds, please email our Weed Coordinator, Adam Sieges at