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Cow elk in field

About FWP > Commission Fish and Wildlife Commission Meeting: October 20, 2022

Meeting: October 20, 2022



Danford Pond Wildlife Viewing Area Easement

Comments on the following proposed were accepted through September 22, 2022, with final adoption at the October commission meeting.

FWP Proposed Decision on Danford Pond Wildlife Viewing Area Easement

Public Comment Received on FWP Proposals

No public comments were received.

Brucellosis Work Plan

Comments on the following proposed were accepted through September 22, 2022, with final adoption at the October commission meeting.

FWP Proposed Decision on Brucellosis Work Plan​​​​​​

Public Comment Received on FWP Proposals

Havre Urban Deer Management

Comments on the following proposed were accepted through September 22, 2022, with final adoption at the October commission meeting.

FWP Proposed Decision on Havre Urban Deer Management

Public Comment Received on FWP Proposals

Bad Rock Canyon WMA Hunting Regulations

Comments on the following proposed were accepted through September 22, 2022, with final adoption at the October commission meeting.

FWP Proposed Decision on Bad Rock Canyon WMA Hunting Regulations


Public Comment Received on FWP Proposals

2022 Fishing Regulations

FWP Proposal to Extend the 2022 Fishing Regulations to the 2023 Fishing Season

Half Moon Slough

Commission Rulemaking Petition Policy


The commission may take action on all matters specifically noticed on any agenda.

Extensive opportunity is provided for public comment on hunting, fishing and trapping regulations. As a matter of equity for citizens who cannot attend commission meetings, when making final decisions on these regulations, the commission will not open public comment unless a significant amendment to the tentative proposal is brought forth by the commission or department. Comments will be limited to the amendment only.  Time for comment may be limited at the Chair's discretion.

The department ensures its meetings are fully accessible to persons with disabilities and if special accomodations are needed, please contact the Executive Office Manager in the Director's Office at 406-444-7826 or by cell at 406-594-8921.