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Pronghorn in sage brush

About FWP > Boards, Councils & Committeees Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program Advisory Council

The WHIP program is overseen by a citizen advisory council (MCA 87-5-803).  Council members are appointed by the Director of FWP through an application process. Council members are responsible for advising the department on WHIP program administration and for reviewing, ranking, and recommending proposed projects for funding. FWP completes the final review and determination of funding.

Voting members consist of:

  • The director of the department or a representative of the department;

  • a representative of a hunting organization in Montana;

  • a representative of a multiple-use recreation organization in Montana;

  • a representative of the timber industry in Montana;

  • a livestock producer or a representative of a livestock producer organization in Montana;

  • a farmer or a representative of a farming organization in Montana;

  • a commercial applicator as defined in MCA 80-8-102;

  • a representative of biological research and control interests;

  • a representative of the Montana Weed Control Association; and

  • a county commissioner, district weed board member, or weed district supervisor.

Non-voting council members consist of:

  • the State Weed Coordinator; and

  • one representative from each of the following:  U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation; and an Indian tribe.

How to Apply

The Wildlife Habitat Improvement Program (WHIP) Advisory Council is accepting applications for new members from.

Questions? Contact Andrew Amidon, FWP WHIP Coordinator, at 406-444-7291 or

Voting Council Members

Amy Adler (Rosebud County)

Forsyth, MT


Representing: Eastern Montana County Weed District Supervisor


Julia Altemus (Montana Wood Products Association)

Missoula, MT


Representing: Timber Industry


Amber Burch (Beaverhead County)

Dillon, MT


Representing: Montana Weed Control Association



Representing: Farming


Karen Laitala (Powell County)

Garrison, MT


Representing: Western Montana County Weed District Supervisor


Chris Marchion (Montana Wildlife Federation)

Anaconda, MT


Representing: Hunting Organization


Dean Pearson (Rocky Mountain Research Station)

Missoula, MT


Representing: Biological Research and Control Interests


Rick Sandru

Twin Bridges, MT


Representing: Livestock Producer


Ray Shaw

Sheridan, MT


Representing: Commercial Herbicide Applicator


Ron Trippet (NW Montana Back Country Horseman)

Kalispell, MT


Representing: Multiple-use Recreation Organization

Tribal and Agency Council Members


Representing: Tribes


Jasmine Chaffee (Department of Agriculture)

Helena, MT


Representing: Montana Weed Coordinator


Chase Scheffler

Great Falls, MT


Representing: US Fish and Wildlife Service


Michelle Cox (US Forest Service)

Missoula, MT


Representing: US Forest Service


Charles Hueth (US Bureau of Reclamation)

Helena, MT


Representing: US Bureau of Reclamation


Mike Hamel (Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation)

Helena, MT


Representing: Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation


Kenny Keever, Interim (US Bureau of Land Management)


Miles City, MT

Representing: US Bureau of Land Management