Fish & Wildlife Commission: May 28, 2020 Meeting Agenda
May 28, 2020 9:00 AM
Zoom Meeting - - Helena, MT
Times Are Approximate and Best Estimate Only
09:00 AM – Call to Order
- Commission Business
1. AUDIO: Call to order and Pledge of Allegiance Approval of Commission Expenses.mp3
2. AUDIO: Commission Reports.mp3 - Commission Reports
- Director's Report
3. AUDIO: Director's Reports.mp3
09:30 AM – Enforcement Division
- Proposal to Add Township, Range and Section to The Mandatory Reporting Requirements for Reporting A Mountain Lion Harvest
4. AUDIO: Change to Mountain Lion Hunting Regulations to Make Reporting Township, Range and Section Mandatory.mp3
09:40 AM – Fisheries Division
- Placid Lake Emergency Fishing Regulation
8. AUDIO: Lake PLacid Emergency Fishing.mp3 - Placid Lake NP eme reg proposed
- Wild River Conservation Easement, R1
9. AUDIO: Wild River Conservation.mp3 - Wild River CE Maps
- WildRiver_DraftEA_Decision Notice
- WildRiverEA_AllPublicComments
- Tarkio East FAS, R2
5. AUDIO: Tarkio East FAS.mp3 - Tarkio East Map
- O'Dell Creek FAS Acquisition, R3
6. AUDIO: O'Dell Creek FAS Acquisition.mp3 - **Ennis FAS- Two Creeks Property
- C. Ben White Memorial FAS Acquisition and Development
7. AUDIO: C Ben White Memorial FAS.mp3 - CB WHITE MAP
10:00 AM – Wildlife Division
- Nongame Checkoff Work Plan
10. AUDIO: NonGame Checkoff PLan.mp3 - 2020/2021 Helena Urban Deer Plan Quota Ranges, Quota and EA extension
11. AUDIO: Helena Urban Deer Plan.mp3 - Helena Urban Deer Comments
- HelenaUrbanDeer_2020_Quota
- TB Surveillance Response Plan
12. AUDIO: TB Surveillance Response Plan.mp3 - Tuberculosis comments
- TB proposed plan
- Garrity Mountain WMA Stumptown Addition
13. AUDIO: Garrity Mountain WMA Stumptown.mp3 - Garrity Mountain Stumpt Addn
- Garrity Mountain Stumpt Addn EA
- Garrity Mountain Stumpt Addn PUBLIC COMMENTS
- Garrity Mtn WMA Stumpt Addn MAP
- Sweathouse Creek Conservation Easement R2
14. AUDIO: Sweathouse Creek Conservation.mp3 - Sweathouse Creek CE MAP
- Sweathouse Creek CE PROPOSAL
- Calf Creek WMA Forestry
15. AUDIO: Calf Creek WMA Forestry.mp3 - Calf Creek WMA forest restoration MAP AND IMAGES
- Mount Haggin/German Gulch Grazing Lease
16-17. AUDIO: Mt Haggin German Gulch and South Grazing.mp3 - Mt Haggin WMA German Gulch Grazing Lease DN
- Mt Haggin WMA German Gulch Grazing Lease EA
- Mt Haggin WMA German Gulch Grazing Lease MAP
- Mt Haggin South Grazing Lease
- Mt Haggin WMA South Grazing Lease DN
- Mt Haggin WMA South Grazing Lease EA
- Mt Haggin WMA South Grazing Lease MAP
- Fresno Grazing Lease
18. AUDIO: Fresno Grazing lease.mp3 - Fresno Reservoir WMA Grazing Lease Renewal DN
- Fresno Reservoir WMA Grazing Lease Renewal EA
- Fresno Reservoir WMA Grazing Lease Renewal MAP
11:00 AM – Public Comment For Issues Not On This Agenda and Adjournment
- Items not on the Agenda
19. AUDIO: Public Comment Items not on the agenda.mp3
Please note: The Commission may take action on all matters specifically noticed on any agenda.
Extensive opportunity is provided for public comment on hunting, fishing and trapping regulations. As a matter of equity for citizens who cannot attend Commission meetings, when making final decisions on these regulations, the Commission will not open public comment unless a significant amendment to the tentative proposal is brought forth by the Commission or Department. Comments will be limited to the amendment only.
The Department ensures its meetings are fully accessible to persons with disabilities and if special accommodations are needed, contact Commission Secretary at (406) 444-3186.